CUSS 2023 - Customer Satisfaction Survey at offstandards

As our name suggests, there are not too many standards at our company. The CUSS survey is one of the few standardized procedures that we have been using for many years. It gives us valuable impulses about the most important metric in our company: the satisfaction of our customers.

This year the participation in the survey was particularly high, so first of all: thank you to everyone who took part!

The changes brought about by Corona, the digital transformation in learning, and the requirements for learning formats that function internationally and interculturally have been our drivers in recent years. The CUSS results have shown that our innovations and realignments seem to meet the needs of our customers. This made us very happy and confirmed our determination to continue on this path.

We want to fulfill our claim of being "offstandards" every day: providing excellent service while offering specific, creative and moving solutions is the core of our work. We have been humbled and delighted to understand that after 20 years of offstandards, we still succeed in doing this. Thank you for this feedback!

P.S.: Don't worry! Satisfied customers will remain our most important goal, we will never be satisfied - even if the CUSS results were very positive. Standard is not enough!