People shaping
organisations shaping

Organisational development with offstandards

People shape organizations - organizations shape people.

The contract between employers and employees is changing. It is no longer just about the efficiency of systems, but also about giving employees an environment in which they can do their best.. The fairy tale of the employee's loyal devotion to a company that, in return, offers "lifetime-Employment" assures, is finished. Who wants performance, must also deliver an environment that offers more than decent pay. Therefore Organizational development in the sense of "Cultural development" the key factor for Employer attractiveness and excellent performance.

Culture development - DNA for feedback and learning

With our approach to cultural development we create a sustainable system of linked and synchronized dialogue, cooperation and learning formats, which is strategically and intelligently anchored in the day-to-day life of the organisation. Transparency, participation and design opportunities are coupled with strategic goals and operational implementation. And that's fun too...

Learning and feedback become central elements of the corporate culture. The result is a highly attractive employer that adapts quickly and is agile.l- can react flexibly to changes and opportunities.

Culture development is a systemic intervention. A prerequisite for sustainable success is a thorough understanding of the organisation, its history, its current culture and the future challenges to organisational development. Together with internal experts and stakeholders, we develop a system of interacting measures and formats that address both current, situational issues and strategic, sustainability-oriented aspects.

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Workshop facilitation

Our interpretation of a workshop facilitation goes far beyond methodological knowledge and structural responsibility. To optimally "orchestrate" the energy in a workshop, a fine feeling for dramaturgy and "flow" and a relentless focus on intensity and commitment - this is what we offer for workshop facilitation that creates new spaces offnet and ensures excellent results.

And that also works virtually! Since 2011, we have been working on virtual cooperation and communication platforms with international and national teams within the framework of workshops, training and coaching. Our facilitators are trained and certified for the special requirements of facilitation in virtual spaces. By making adequate use of the wide range of tools and features of the virtual platforms, online facilitation with offstandards is not a boring continuous session, but an interactive, lively and motivating experience.

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Team development

The compactness of a team is an invaluable strength, especially in difficult times. There are no shortcuts along the way: Trust, openness, a positive supportive attitude, respect and tolerance are qualities that many probably claim for themselves, but are not a matter of course in teams. We see team development as a process that can be promoted through workshops and events. As always, the "truth" lies in the "square" of everyday work. That is why our view of team development is not limited to workshops, but also includes the transformation into everyday work.

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Major events

Anyone who has ever attended a large event knows the special spirit, the emotional atmosphere that can only be created in large groups. Dealing with this in a responsible and at the same time moving way is our expertise from 18 years of event management and large group facilitation. With us you will not experience boredom: off-standard events are dynamic, inspiring and at the same time consistently result-oriented. In our experience, participation and dialogue are more important than polite applause after long lectures or hip rituals. We are not in the business of emotionalising the plate or of grassroots democratic social romanticism. It's about achieving goals - and that can't be done sitting down.

Large-scale events in virtual space place special demands on the concept and technical implementation. By using event clouds, break-out sessions, polls, chats and virtual work platforms such as Mural or Miro, even large virtual events become moving experiences in which design and participation have priority.

With offstandards, you have an experienced, innovative and reliable partner at your side for the realisation of your large-scale event - whether virtual or present.

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Dialogue formats

The offstandards dialogue formats are a core element of our organisational development portfolio. Since 2003, we have been developing customised communication formats that enable a new quality of interaction, transparency and participation. And this is never boring, often groundbreaking and always insightful. Starting from well-known concepts such as town hall meetings, open space conferences or stand-up meetings, we develop new communication rituals with our clients that are not only efficient in the short term, but also culture-developing in the long term.

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Separation culture - accompaniment in staff reductions

Changes in organisations are very often associated with staff reductions due to restructuring. This most radical cut in a system is a very stressful experience for the employees directly affected, the affected teams and the managers. Personnel development programmes designed for development and promotion do not usually cover this specific situation. Without professional support, the corporate culture and the credibility of strategies are often permanently damaged.

offstandards considers staff reduction as a possible consequence of organisational development, which requires a high level of communicative attention, empathy and specific qualifications. From a total of 18 years of practical experience in change projects, the following portfolio has proven itself for the accompaniment of staff reduction processes:

  1. Qualification of managers for conducting separation talks (training and coaching)
  2. Re-start workshops for teams affected by staff reductions. Establishing the ability to work, building motivation and dealing with fears, disappointments and helplessness.
  3. Education and training of internal consultants/HR-BPs/change agents to support the process.
  4. Support in professional reorientation for employees affected by staff reductions through peer group coaching, individual coaching, counselling sessions, etc.
  5. Process support (interim management) by specialised experts, e.g. to support HR management, corporate communication or as a mediator/facilitator in negotiations between employer and employee sides.

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