The most important step leads across the border

Human resources development with offstandards

The most important step leads across the border.

Learning means pushing your own boundaries and expanding your scope of action. This is individual and works best collectively.

We see ourselves as learning coaches for whom knowledge transfer and interaction in the training group are inseparably linked. Whether online or face-to-face - learning always needs activation, motivation and interaction. This didactic "off-standards" competence turns a learning format into a unique and effective experience.

Experiencing limits can be sobering, expanding them is a very motivating experience.

If you want to learn, you need courage. Discovering one's own fields of learning, receiving feedback and even failing once in a while - all this makes personnel development exciting and very personal. As trainers, coaches or personnel diagnosticians, we are responsible for ensuring that crossing and expanding boundaries is a motivating moment. Our mission is to find an individual balance between "security and encouragement" and to accompany the step across the boundary in a mindful way.

We build learning processes and create learning spaces in which knowledge transfer and individual potential development can have a lasting effect.

The development of potential takes time. Sustainability only comes about when something new has become established in practice. This aspect is always integrated in our personnel development programmes. Modular programmes with practical phases, follow-ups or digital networking after training measures are just a few examples of our claim that offstandards personnel development leaves its mark.

Human resource development + organisational development = cultural development

Even the most ambitious human resource development will not be able to make an impact without a nurturing, supportive organisational framework. We therefore bring our experience and expertise from 20 years of organisational development to bear when it comes to creating a high-performance culture that gives learning a high priority.

Leadership development

Hardly any other function in organisations has undergone as many reinterpretations in recent decades as the leadership function. Much of this can be understood and welcomed as a necessary adaptation to changing conditions. Some "fashionable theories", which have rather increased the circulation of relevant management literature than being really efficient, quickly and reliably disappear again from the market of leadership theories.

In our leadership development programmes, we are not guided by "old-school" or "new-school" stereotypes when designing the content, but solely by effectiveness. We therefore not only develop trainings, but also integrate them into exciting learning landscapes that are accompanied by motivating didactics. Digital self-learning, virtual collaboration and shared "real" experience and learning are combined and tailored specifically to your needs.

We develop programmes for the following target groups and run them with our team of 75 international trainers:

  • Executive Management
  • Senior Management
  • Middle Management
  • Team leaders, operational and commercial managers
  • Junior Manager
  • Talents

When it comes to certain aspects of leadership work, topic-oriented training modules are often an efficient way to quickly qualify managers for new requirements. offstandards offers a broad portfolio of leadership trainings here, which you can also book as LOT (Live Online Training).

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360° Leadership Feedback

On the way to developing one's own leadership personality, the continuous comparison of self-image and external image is an indispensable element. Only in this way is a targeted and effective development of individual leadership potential possible.

Our online feedback tool is specifically calibrated with the company's leadership guidelines and can integrate feedback givers into the survey from a 360° perspective. You decide which perspectives we ask: colleagues, employees, the manager or maybe even customers?

The output of the 360° feedback is a detailed and structured report of the results. It is the basis for deriving development goals and concrete measures. The report can also be reflected on in a coaching session and prepared for a workshop with the feedback providers. Here, open questions can be clarified and further feedback can be concretised.

The conclusion of this procedure is the discussion with the responsible manager, in which the measures are bindingly agreed upon in the form of a development plan.

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360° feedback tool

If the feedback process in the company is to be carried out quickly and easily, our 360° feedback tool is the right choice. We offer an online platform and a large pool of feedback questions that can be used to provide managers and employees with feedback from a 360° perspective at any time.

The design and wording of our online feedback tool is individually adapted to the framework conditions of the company. The appropriate questions can be selected from our large pool of questions on various topics and thus set your own focus.

If employees are interested, the feedback process can be started quickly and easily with the help of our tool. Together with the feedback recipients, it is decided which perspectives should be asked, be it colleagues, employees, the manager or perhaps even customers. All selected feedback providers can give their feedback online via the device of their choice and thus support the feedback recipients with valuable information.

The data of all feedback providers are consolidated in a clear evaluation report and made available to the feedback recipients. Based on the report, development goals and further measures can be derived together with the manager. If necessary, the report can also be reflected on in a coaching session or prepared for a workshop with the feedback givers. Here, open questions can be clarified and, if necessary, further feedback can be concretised.

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Skill training

Skill training is probably the most common form of continuing education. We offer a large portfolio of trainings, e.g. within the framework of company-owned academies or as on-demand trainings. Skill training can be designed as face-to-face training or live online training, depending on your wishes and the framework conditions.

In-house academies

The development, planning and implementation of personnel development measures cost time. By letting us take over training management, you can focus on other issues. In the course of our academies, we provide you with comprehensive and trustworthy advice, support and assistance.

Setting up an in-house academy requires not only professional know-how and excellent learning formats. The logical structure and user-friendly navigation, e.g. in online academies, also determine whether an in-house academy establishes itself and functions efficiently.

offstandards provides support from conception and structuring to technical implementation and administration (see also our offer for Managed Training Services). We give your academy an innovative and practical design and contribute our experience from 20 years of academy development and implementation with our clients and our knowledge of the training market (prices, providers, innovative formats, etc.).

We tailor the topics and learning formats to your strategy and development goals. We can combine digital formats and face-to-face events in such a way that an efficient and optimal learning success is ensured.

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Team development

The compactness of a team is an invaluable strength, especially in difficult times. There are no shortcuts along the way: Trust, openness, a positive supportive attitude, respect and tolerance are qualities that many probably claim for themselves, but are not a matter of course in teams. We see team development as a process that can be promoted through workshops and events. As always, the "truth" lies in the "square" of everyday work. That is why our view of team development is not limited to workshops, but also includes the transformation into everyday work.

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Assessment Centre and Development Centre - Personnel Diagnostics

We develop customized diagnostic procedures for the selection and targeted further development of employees and managers. On the basis of competency models, potential indicators, assessment procedures or value catalogs, we create a Storyline for the process, which we have developed with our digitally supported ACDC tool, which includes efficient implementation, evaluation and recommendations for further development and decision-making. Tasks, exercises, interviews and questionnaires are used to make the skills and potential of the participants transparent and assess them. The process offers the possibility of a flexible combination of goal-oriented tasks and observation by internal and external (trained) observers. The efficient use of digital devices and evaluation programs enables time-efficient implementation.

It is not only since the coronavirus pandemic that we have been able to conduct assessment and development centers digitally or virtually. This saves considerable costs in international selection procedures, for example, and enables effective and efficient decisions to be made.

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Consulting "strategic human resources development

Human resource development makes an important contribution to the implementation of corporate strategy. The requirements from the market and competition must be translated into recruiting strategies, potential diagnostics, assessment procedures and learning programmes.

We see ourselves as a partner who supports you in this process and advises you from concept development to implementation.

Development of competency models and assessment procedures

Together with you, we identify the core competences that are crucial for your company's success and make them pragmatically manageable, e.g. in an assessment system or in an assessment centre.

Development of specific offers against the background of change processes

Whether it is about structural changes, such as new work organisations (e.g. agile forms of work or semi-autonomous work teams) or specific qualifications in connection with staff reduction processes (e.g. training for professional reorientation, qualification for conducting separation interviews or re-start workshops for teams affected by staff reduction): we are happy to contribute our experience from 18 years of personnel and organisational development and strengthen the role of personnel development in the company.

We focus on a holistic approach and are not "only" a training provider, but also a strategic partner - both for nationally and internationally positioned companies. We take the entire system into account, want to understand the company, the employees and the specific needs and contribute to the development of the company through the development of individuals.

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