Online Programs

Digital Learning Programs are becoming more and more important!

As a result of more flexible working hours and increasing digitalisation, the way we learn is also changing. Online learning programs are a good alternative for learning in digital form, independent of location and flexible.

We offer several possibilities for online programs. In addition to extensive learning programs that cover a great deal of content, we also offer so-called "eNuggets", which summarize the content of a topic briefly and concisely in just a few minutes.

We also like to digitize articles and make them more interesting and emotional for the readers.

Below we have listed a few examples for you to view:

Selection of our eNuggets (demos)

Topic Communication

Topic Feedback


Topic Time Management

eNuggets are short (approx. 5 - 7 minutes) digital learning sequences to individual theoretical models, which can be put together in a modular way and thus offer participants an entertaining learning landscape to refresh familiar theories and learn new ones.

We are also happy to put together an individual course room for you, consisting of several eNuggets. Here you can choose between already existing eNuggets or entrust us with the creation of individual nuggets.

Selection of our eLearnings

eLearnings is what we call digital learning content in offstandards, which is composed of various sub-areas on a specific topic. You can either entrust us with the development of the content or provide us with the desired content.

Selection of our online articles

online articles are digitized articles. With click elements and a high level of graphic presentation, the articles become more interesting and exciting for your readers.

Customers who use our online programs

Contact for

Markus Kessler
Lippeltstrasse 1, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
040 3030666-19